Red light therapy is the use of synthetic red light waves to help with the reduction of physical and mental health symptoms. Red light originates from the sun, but this type of light therapy eliminates the harmful rays from the sun such as UV wavelengths. We are able to create a balance of healthy light waves that penetrate the skin to heal your body from the inside out.
Red light therapy is used for a variety of conditions that range from mental to physical health. At The Teal Door Counseling Center we are aiming for a reduction in depression, anxiety and other mental health conditions with this form of light therapy.
Red and Infrared light waves mimic the sun’s rays in order to give your body Vitamin D and balances the production of neurotransmitters and hormones in the body that act as natural antidepressants. The light waves penetrate the skin and enhance the production of neurotransmitters such as dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin. Red light therapy can also decrease the production of stress hormones such as glucocorticoids and adrenaline leading to less anxiety and depressive symptoms. It can also increase the stress relieving hormones such as endorphins and oxytocin. When endorphins are elevated it creates a sense of energy, like a “runner’s high,” leaving individuals feeling less stressed, more energized, and at peace.
Neurotransmitters are the chemical receptors in the brain that help to balance our emotions. Hormones are the chemical receptors in the brain and the rest of your body that help balance our growth, development, and emotional health. When these chemicals are imbalanced, it can lead to depression, anxiety and other mental health conditions. Red light therapy enhances the balance and homeostasis of the chemicals to create a sense of natural wellness, potentially in conjunction with therapy and medication management.
Deanna Villetto LMSW and the Teal Door Counseling Center do not provide medical advice or medical guidance. For medical advice, you must consult a licensed healthcare provider. For mental health advice, please consult with your primary clinician.
Individual results from Red and Infrared Light Therapy use vary on a person to person basis. We do not make any claims regarding treatment, cures, or preventions of diseases. We use the research on red light therapy to make informed decisions on mental health care, thus implementing red light therapy into mental health wellness.
Never fall asleep while using light therapy. Please do not touch the light box and do not remove protective eyewear when the red light is on.
If you feel faint or dizzy or unwell in any way while using light therapy, discontinue use and seek medical advice from a licensed medical professional.
If you suffer from, or experience extreme sensitivity to light or temperature changes.