What if taking care of your mental health was not only accepted but encouraged? Getting help would be as easy as asking for it, and talking openly about your biggest challenges in life would feel natural.
Most people struggle with depression or anxiety at some point. In fact, one in five adults experience a mental health issue each year. That’s pretty staggering. Yet, there is still so much discrimination and stigma surrounding therapy. And much of it is rooted in misconceptions about mental, emotional, and behavioral health.
A lack of understanding about therapy is too often the reason why people with completely treatable conditions feel they have to suffer alone.
But we’re beginning to turn the tide on the secrecy and shame that has stifled the voices of millions. What has long been seen as a lack of strength in seeking out care is slowly but surely becoming just the opposite.
Why should we treat our mental health as any less important than our physical health? We need to support each other—not break each other down—as we all work toward our best life. Everyone deserves a chance to heal, to be happy, to find peace.
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